streaking urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary: Losing Streak.
Urban Dictionary: mifflin streak.
Urban Dictionary: midnight speed streaking.
streaking urban dictionary
Urban Dictionary: streaking.
Urban Dictionary: streak and steal.
when a person goes out at midnight and goes streaking in a fast vehicle of some sort such as a bike, a rollerblades, a scooter, a skateboard or lon.
While taking a dump you feel the stool come out of your butt but nothing hits the toilet water. Upon wiping you realize that nothing hit the toilet.
Urban Dictionary: Brown Streak.
Urban Dictionary: green streak.
Urban Dictionary: blue streak.
to be on a winning streak, to do well continuously for a certain period of time.
Surfing on the internet with no firewall/ virus protection.
A brown streak is when you pound your lady in the ass and you whip out your dick. You slide it down her back resembling a brown streak.
Urban Dictionary: streaking.
n. a rapid-fire, often nonsensical string of obscenities generated out of pure anger v. "run a blue streak".
Used to describe somebody who is TOO TALL AND SKINNY for life on this Planet we call Earth.
The art of running naked in public for laughs. Must be completely nude. Shoes.