stomatal control chemical signalling

Re-examining the role of ABA as the primary long-distance signal.
Stomatal control is often thought to be the first line of defense against water. hydraulic signals (leaf water potential, cell turgor); chemical signals (abscisic acid.
Stomatal control in tomato with ABA-deficient roots: response of grafted plants to . A chemical signal from roots leading to a change in apoplastic ABA levels in.
Stomatal Behavior of Forest Trees in Relation to Hydraulic. - Springer.
Progress in Botany 71 - Google Books Result.
Therefore, stomata control both plant water losses and sap pressure and, thus, may .. Integration of hydraulic and chemical signalling in the control of stomatal.
Apr 28, 2006. Integration of hydraulic and chemical signals in the control of stomatal conductance and water status of droughted plants. Plant Cell Environ, 16.
Long-distance signals regulating stomatal conductance and leaf.
Oct 1, 2010. Stomatal control by chemical signalling and the exploitation of this mechanism to increase water use efficiency in agriculture. New Phytol. 2002.
stomatal control chemical signalling
Stomatal control in tomato with ABA-deficient roots: response of.
Effects on - Duke Biology.
Chemical Signal Helps Plants Control Their “Breathing” - Gordon.
Phys.Org Mobile: Chemical signal helps plants control their “breathing”.
Chemical Signal Helps Plants Control Their “Breathing” | Science.
Stomatal control is often thought to be the first line of defense against water. hydraulic signals (leaf water potential, cell turgor); chemical signals (abscisic acid.